Contact Management

Many different stakeholders are involved in the management and maintenance of hospital equipment. The contact details of all stakeholders need to be properly managed and made available to the different user groups. With Smart Hospital Maintenance, all contacts can be managed and kept track of.

With Smart Hospital Maintenance, contacts are divided into three main areas. For each area, you can decide whether these contacts and information should be stored in the software and who should have access to them:

Contact Management

1. Source of Funding

Define your funding sources to better understand how assets are funded. You have the option to assign a funding source or project reference to each asset. This way you can easily identify how the asset was procured. Especially for public authorities, this is a great feature to assess, for example, from which donors they have received equipment. But this can also be a valuable function for private health facilities. For example, you can distinguish between assets that were financed by your own recources or by bank loans.

2. Service Suppliers

Any type of service provider can be managed in Smart Hospital Maintenance. You can define supplier categories to distinguish between different types of suppliers, e.g. spare parts suppliers, maintenance supplier, local agents etc. Smart Hospital Maintenance allows you to assign up to two different suppliers to each asset so that your staff can immediately get the right contact information for the right request.

3. Ownership Contacts

By defining ownership references, healthcare facilities can easily track which assets are owned, leased or belong to a third party, e.g. due to outsourcing of equipment. This helps to know how to handle these assets, keep track of them and make the right decision.

Would you like to learn more about contact management with Smart Hospital Maintenance?
Then book your personal one-on-one appointment with one of our experts now!